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Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorder in which individual has high blood glucose level either beta cell do not produce insulin in appropriate quantity or cell do not respond to the insulin (may be receptor are not effective or mutated) by these factor individual/ patient body shows some symptoms mainly polyuria (frequent urination), polyphagia (increased hunger), polydipsia (increased thirst). There are three types of diabetes‐ Type 1 diabetes‐ This is also called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. In this type of diabetes beta cells fail to synthesize and secrete insulin. So for treatment individual takes insulin directly Type 2 diabetes‐ This is also called a non insulin independent diabetes mellitus. In this type of diabetes insulin is synthesize in appropriate quantity but cells are failure to use it. Gestational diabetes‐ Some women during pregnancy has high blood glucose level, thus they show a specific type of diabetes, this is called gestational diabetes.

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