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Objective:To assess the epidemiological evidence on diet and cancer and make Public health recommendations.

Conclusions and recommendations: It has been estimated that 30–40 percent of all cancers can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary measures alone.

Cancer is a common condition and a serious health problem. More than one in three people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime. In our day to day life, we are exposing to chemicals in different ways.  This could include: In dietary products, in cosmetics, Plastics.

A diet that is rich in vegetables, fruit, poultry, fish, and low-fat dairy products has also been linked with a lower risk of breast cancer in some studies. But it is not clear if specific vegetables, fruits, or other foods can lower risk or increase. Many studies have found that fruits loaded with chemicals increase the risk of stomach cancer. Chemicals that are commonly used for ripening of fruits and vegetables like Calcium carbide, ethylene glycol and ethanol are known to cause cancer and also cause food poisoning, gastric irritation and mouth ulcers and with ethylene gas, fruits look ‘unnatural’. And farmers are using oxytocin to inject vegetables and it is a Schedule-H drug, which is banned in the country for use on animals. Polyphenols present in vegetables leads to bowel cancer. Organic foods are preferred as a life saver to prevent cancer.

 Toxic foods, preservatives and additives that cause cancer are clearly discussed and due to which causes obesity.

 Consumption of processed foods should be moderate. A healthy diet may help in lowering the risk of cancer and other diseases.

 Exposure of different chemicals in cosmetics that should be avoided to use as these leads to various skin infections, breast cancer, liver, stomach, bladder and esophagus cancers. A detail description on effects of plastics and risk of cancer was reviewed.

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