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c and balanced nutrition, good habits and holistic environment.  Any disturbance(s)  in any one of these factors may cause ill-health.  Transition in life-style, environment and hereditary (or) genetic traits independently (or) jointly lead to a life threatening metabolic syndrome / disorder known as diabetes.

            Diabetes, a new challenge to the modern world, handicaps enormous number of people.  It is considered as one of the front runners of death and disability in the entire globe.  Diabetes prevalence among the modern men is quite acceptable because of their life-style changes.  But it’s emergence among the nature’s people (i.e) jungle tribes is a grave concern to the health status of this primitive group.

            The present epidemiological studies on Type-2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) shows 1.2 percent disease prevalence in Kaani tribes.  The sex and age specific prevalence, impact of body-mass index, waist-hip ratio, systolic pressure, socio-economic status, habituation, physical activities and blood groups on diabetes are well discussed.

body mass index
kaani tribes
metabolic syndrome
Type-2 Diabetes mellitus
waist-hip ratio.
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