When electrophoretic profiles of native proteins from vegetative mycelia of Phytophthora capsici causing Foot and leaf rotdisease of betelvine in India were compared on a single sodium dodecyl Polyacrylamide gel, the isolates of same specieswere readily distinguished both qualitatively by visual similarity in banding patterns and quantitatively by calculatingsimilarity coefficients. The pathogen p.capsici was isolated from the samples separately and was designated as NLR, GTRand KDP isolates. Similarity coefficients were generally much higher between isolates within a species than betweenisolates of different species. The polymorphism was observed among the isolates in protein activity. The NLR and GTRisolates exhibited protein pattern with nine bands and KDP isolate exhibited only five bands. The three isolates weremaintained on CA medium slants and used to study variability. The virulence rating of the three phytophthora isolates asmade 10days after inoculation following the disease rating scale ased on percent root necrosis